Accurate On-Line DO and TSS Monitoring Helps Optimize Petrochem Effluent Treatment
介紹 : 複雜的石化廢水生物處理需要最佳的線上儀器,以幫助維持最佳的生物反應和過濾效能。精確線上溶氧總懸浮固體(TSS)測量對污水處理廠是必不可少的
Biological treatment of complex petrochemical wastewater requires optimum on-line instrumentation to help maintain optimum bioreactor and filter performance. Accurate on-line dissolved oxygen and total suspended solids (TSS) measurements are essential to effluent treatment plants.
One Hach customer utilizes on-line DO and solids probes provide operators with critical, real-time information to help them make informed treatment process decisions.
Application Notes Type Language Size Date Edition
Case Study: SOLITAX Sensors, LDO Probes; Accurate On-Line DO and TSS Monitoring Helps Optimize Petrochem Effluent Treatment 
  English US 577 KB 2015-04 Apr15