網路研討會>5月6日 監測厭氧消化池有助於避免程序失常並提高沼氣產量 Anaerobic Digester Monitoring Helps Avoid Process Upsets and Maximize Biogas Production (英語發音)
Measuring VFA and Alkalinity is crucial in the Anaerobic digestion process to help avoid process upsets and maximize biogas production.
With the EZ7200 analyzer it is possible to measure Volatile Fatty Acids and Alkalinity in to or from your anaerobic digester in real time.
It is well known that The VFA/ALK ratio can help you prevent damaging or killing the bacteria in an anaerobic digester.
Such an “overfeeding” event can lead to tremendous costs for the operator of a digester. Underfeeding of the digester can lead to sub-optimal gas production or sludge processing. By monitoring the concentration of VFA and Alkalinity the feeding process of the digester can be optimized and potentially gas production can be increased.
眾所周知,VFA / ALK比可以幫助您防止損壞或殺死厭氧消化池中的細菌。
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Title主題 : Anaerobic Digester Monitoring Helps Avoid Process Upsets and Maximize Biogas Production
Date日期: Wednesday, May 06, 2020  (如當天來不及參加, 註冊完成後可觀看錄影檔)
Time時間: 10:00 AM Central European Summer Time (中歐夏令時間) *台灣時間當日下午4時
Duration研討會時間長度: 1 hour
This presentation will begin on Wednesday, May 06, 2020 at 10:00 AM Central European Summer Time.
Audience members may arrive 15 minutes in advance of this time.
Peter Bringsken
Senior Sales Manager EZ Series
Sjoerd van der Knoop
Application Development Manager EZ Series