網路研討會>4月29日 監測工業廢水和民生污水處理廠進水之毒性 Monitoring of toxicity in influent of industrial and municipal waste water treatment plants (英語發音)
Toxicity is a non-specific parameter that allows you to monitor and protect your wastewater treatment plant’s valuable microorganisms from toxic influent. The EZ7900 Toxicity Analyser uses freshly sampled sludge from your plant and doses it with the incoming wastewater. The effect on the respiration rate of the sludge bacteria indicates the toxicity. The results enable operators to take corrective measures to protect the viability of the wastewater treatment plant, e.g. redirecting a wastewater stream into an emergency basin.
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毒性是一個可讓您監測和保護污水處理廠內的水中微生物免受有毒進水的侵害的非特定參數。 EZ7900毒性分析儀透過於您水廠中採樣的污泥,並與進來的污水進行定量分析。 污泥細菌呼吸速率的影響顯示著毒性。 監測結果讓操作人員能夠適時採取修正措施以保護污水處理廠的運作能力,例如: 將廢水導向到應急的水池。
Title 研討會主題 : Monitoring of toxicity in influent of industrial and municipal waste water treatment plants
Date 日期 : Wednesday, April 29, 2020 (如當天來不及參加, 之後註冊完成後仍可觀看錄影檔))
Time 時間 : 10:00 AM Central European Summer Time (中歐夏令時間)
Duration 研討會長度 : 1 hour
This presentation will begin on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 10:00 AM Central European Summer Time. (中歐夏令時間)
Audience members may arrive 15 minutes in advance of this time.
Speakers 主講者
Peter Bringsken
Senior Sales Manager EZ Series EU & NA
Sjoerd van der Knoop
Application Development Manager EZ Series