網路研討會>7月17日線上監測過程流液中之重金屬含量Online Monitoring of Heavy and Trace Metals in a Process Stream (英語發音)
Join our subject matter experts for a presentation and live Q&A on monitoring trace metals. Many metals, when present in even trace amounts, can be hazardous to humans and the environment. Often it is difficult to measure the presence of these elements on a continuous basis in a process stream. Further, if these metals are present in an industrial wastewater stream, they may be regulated by an NPDES permit. This session will discuss technology currently available for detecting several of the most concerning metals.
與我們的主題專家一起了解有關微量金屬監測的介紹。 許多金屬,即使是微量,也可能對人類和環境造成危害。 通常很難連續測量過程流液中這些重金屬元素的存在。 此外,如果這些金屬存在於工業廢水流中,則通過NPDES許可證進行管制。 本此網路研討會將討論目前可用於檢測幾種最相關的金屬的技術。
註 : NPDES (The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Permit Program 規範於美國淨水法案Clean Water Act中 
Learning Objectives:
  • Understand which metals are of concern in industrial wastewater
  • Learn what has been used in the past to detect or monitor these metals
  • Establish how to select the best technique for monitoring the metal(s) of concern in water at almost any industrial site
  • Discern how technology can eliminate permit violations while ensuring the safety of personnel and environment
Have a scheduling conflict?  (如果您當天來不及參加, 註冊完成後仍可觀看錄影檔)
We got you covered! Register for the live event and we'll send you the on-demand recording shortly after the broadcast date.
This webinar is free to join and allows knowledge share with minimal impact on your busy schedule. CEU credits are NOT available for this webinar at this time, however, if you would like us to request retroactively, you can send us details. We can offer certificates of completion upon request. All questions asked during the program will be answered and sent out after the event's completion to live attendees.
Title 主題 : Online Monitoring of Heavy and Trace Metals in a Process Stream
Date 日期 : Thursday, July 16, 2020
Time 時間 : 11:00 AM PST (美國太平洋標準時間, 台北時間凌晨2:00am)
Duration 研討會時間長度 : 1 hour
Speakers 主講者  
Ken Kuruc
Industry Account Manager
Ken holds a B.S. in Chemistry from John Carroll University in Cleveland and has been active in the Power Industry for over 25 years. In his current role, Ken provides technical support on all aspects of water quality monitoring for fossil power generation sites across the U.S. He has co-authored articles which have appeared in Power Engineering and Power Plant Chemistry and has presented at the IWC, Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop and Southwest Chemistry Workshop over the years.