水中銀分析試劑 Silver Reagent Set, Powder Pillows, 0.02-0.700 mg/L Ag
Reagent set for colorimetric silver method using Cadion 2B indicator.
Hach Method 8120.
Range : 0.02 - 0.70 mg/L Ag.
Sample Size : 50 mL
Three reagent system includes 50 each of Silver 1 and Silver 2 Reagent Pillows and Sodium Thiosulfate Powder Pillows.
No extractions required.
Digestion required for total silver.

*透過Hach 分光光度計 DR 6000, DR 3800, DR 2800, DR 2700, DR 1900, DR 5000, DR 3900進行分析

關鍵字 : 水中銀測定, 水中 銀 濃度 檢測 試劑