水中鉻分析試劑(粉枕包) ChromaVer® 3 Chromium Reagent Powder Pillows, 5 or 10 mL, pk/100
For determination of hexavalent chromium by the Diphenylcarbohydrazide method.

USEPA accepted for reporting for wastewater analyses using Hach Method 8023, Diphenylcarbohydrazide Method.
USEPA 接受使用 Hach 方法 8023,Diphenylcarbohydrazide方法報告廢水分析

Photometric Sample Size: 10 mL. Photometric Range: up to 0.70 mg/L.
Kit Sample Size: 5 mL. Kit Range: Up to 1.50 Pack of 100 powder pillows.

Range: 0.010 - 0.700 mg/L Cr6+

> To confirm accurate results, see appropriate standard solutions on the Consumables tab.

*搭配Hach 比色計/分光光度計使用