電磁流量流速計感測器 EM950 Sensor for FH950 Handheld Flow Meter

FH950 的感測器可輕鬆應用於湍急水流,高噪音和低流速之環境監測。

The sensor to the perfect handheld solution for wastewater and environmental flow monitoring.
EM950 電磁速度和深度感測器是廢污水和環境流量監測的完美攜帶型解決方案

The EM950 electromagnetic velocity and depth sensor has no moving parts and never requires maintenance, making it one of the lowest maintenance solutions on the market. Turbulent, noisy and low velocities are easily metered. When the sensor is placed in flowing water, its magnetic field creates a voltage that is sensed by electrodes embedded in the sensor. The voltage amplitude, proportional to the water velocity flowing around the sensor, is electronically processed by the smart sensor's microprocessor and is digitally transmitted through the cable to the portable meter display. Portable FH950 meter sold separately. EM950 感測器沒有移動零件,不需維護,使其成為市場上維護成本最低的解決方案之一。 湍流水、高噪音和低速環境下也容易進行測量。 當感測器放置於流動的水中時,它的磁場會產生一個電壓,電壓會被嵌入感測器中的電極感應到。 與感測器周圍流動的水速成正比的電壓幅度由智慧感測器的微處理器進行電子處理,並透過電纜以數位方式傳輸到攜帶型分析儀顯示螢幕。 攜帶型 FH950 分析儀單獨出售。
Maintenance-free electromagnetic sensor
Available with either Velocity or Velocity and Level capabilities, the EM950 electromagnetic sensor has no moving parts and never requires mechanical maintenance, making it one of the lowest maintenance solutions on the market.
Accurate even in difficult monitoring sites with smart sensor capabilities
With an innovative and compact sensor shape with intelligently-designed flow characteristics, the EM950 sensor delivers reliable measurements at low velocities, in very shallow water, and in turbulent flow conditions. It even takes accurate readings in sediment, weed or organic debris-choked water. Plus, with an optional pressure cell for automatic level measurement and sensor positioning, the Hach EM950 sensor with FH950 hand-held meter is known for having as much brain as it has brawn.