水中揮發性脂肪酸線上分析儀 EZ Series Volatile Fatty Acids Analyzers
由於大多數厭氧過程分析方法的昂貴或耗時,工業消化器通常沒有適當的監測。 EZ7200 系列專為監測厭氧消化器而開發設計,為中大型消化器的典型操作問題帶來了新解決方案。
Online, automatic monitoring of critical process parameters and process efficiency in anaerobic digesters
A new control alternative for anaerobic digestion
Due to the expensive or time-consuming character of most analysis methods for anaerobic processes, industrial digesters are usually not adequately monitored. Developed specifically for monitoring anaerobic digesters, the EZ7200 Series bring the possibility of implementing new control alternatives to typical operating problems in mid to large scale digesters.

Critical parameter monitoring, online and automatic
Anaerobic digesters require monitoring of a specific set of critical parameters in order to obtain optimal production efficiency, compliance and biogas yield. The primary parameter is volatile fatty acids (VFAs), representing the metabolic condition of the anaerobic digester and responding quickly to stress induced changes, combined with alkalinity.

The EZ7200 Series are easy-to-operate online titrators using a unique and robust method for measuring the critical process parameters in one single run, enabling insight as well as full control over the anaerobic process.

The EZ7200 Series VFA Analysers are single-parameter titrators designed specifically for monitoring (wet) anaerobic digesters.
- EZ7200 VFAs, 10 - 500 mg/L as acetate equivalent
- EZ7201 VFAs, 20 - 1,000 mg/L as acetate equivalent
- EZ7202 VFAs, 100 - 5,000 mg/L as acetate equivalent
- EZ7203 VFAs, 500 - 10,000 mg/L as acetate equivalent
- EZ7250 VFAs, 10 - 500 mg/L as acetate equivalent, total and partial alkalinity 50 - 2,500 mg/L as CaCO3
- EZ7251 VFAs, 20 - 1,000 mg/L as acetate equivalent, total and partial alkalinity 50 - 2,500 mg/L as CaCO3
- EZ7252 VFAs 100 - 5,000 mg/L as acetate equivalent, total and partial alkalinity 250 - 5,000 mg/L as CaCO3
- EZ7253 VFAs 500 - 10,000 mg/L as acetate equivalent, total and partial alkalinity 250 - 5,000 mg/L as CaCO3

關鍵字 : 污水 沼氣 厭氧 發電, 廢水 厭氧 生質能源
Options for all analysers include:
- Multiple stream analysis (1-8 streams) reducing cost per sampling point
- Analogue and/or digital outputs for communication
Most applications require the use of an EZ9130 sampling/filtration system for sample preconditioning. For this option please check the EZ9000 Sample Preconditioning page.