超低濃度水中硬度分析試劑 Hardness (ULR) Reagent Set, Solution Pillows
Reagent set ultra low range hardness determination by the Chlorophosphonazo method. Hach Method 8374. Range: 4 - 1000 ug/L Ca & Mg as CaCO3. Chlorophosphonazo reagent solution is packaged in unit-dose solution pillows. (100 tests).

Instrument 分析儀器 : All except DR 900, DR/800 Series, PC II
Method : 8374
Method Name 測試方法 : Chlorophosphonazo
Number of tests : 100
Parameter 測試參數 : Hardness
Platform : Solution
Range 量測範圍 : 8 - 1000 µg/L CaCO₃
Special Features : Reagent set, Pillows 粉枕包

*使用Hach 分光光度計DR6000, DR3800, DR2800, DR2700, DR1900, DR5000, DR3900, 比色計DR900進行分析