HSO技術知識庫>ISE 離子選擇電極的類型?
What are the types of ISE electrodes?  ISE 離子選擇電極的類型

Document ID : TE2810
Published Date : 09/09/2021

What are the types of ISE electrodes?
ISE electrode types 離子選擇電極種類

There are four types of ISEs with different sensor designs and operation:

1. Glass membrane ISEs - This type of ISE is equivalent to a pH probe. Whereas a pH probe’s glass is selective to hydrogen ions, glass membranes ISEs have special “doped” glass that is sensitive to selected ions in solution. Hach’s IntelliCAL™ ISENa381 Sodium electrode is an example of this type of ISE. 
玻璃膜離子選擇電極 – 此類型離子選擇電極相當於 pH 探頭。 pH 探頭的玻璃對氫離子具有選擇性,而玻璃膜離子選擇電極具有特殊的“摻雜”玻璃,對溶液中的特定離子具敏感度。 Hach IntelliCAL™ ISENa381 鈉離子電極即為此類型離子選擇電極。

2. Crystalline membrane ISEs - In this type of ISE, the electrode potential is measured across a solid, polished crystalline membrane. The crystal is prepared from a single compound or a homogenous mixture of compounds. These types of electrodes are often referred to as “solid‐state electrodes” This is due to their long life and relatively minor maintenance requirements. Hach’s IntelliCAL™ ISEF121 Fluoride electrode is an example of this type of ISE.
晶膜離子選擇電極 – 此類型 ISE 電極電位是透過固體、拋光的晶膜測量。 晶體由單一化合物或化合物的均勻混合物製備。 此此類型電極通常被稱為“固態電極”,因其使用壽命長且維護要求相對較低。 Hach IntelliCAL™ ISEF121 氟離子電極即為此類型離子選擇電極。

3. Polymer membrane ISEs - This type of ISE contains a solid, polymeric membrane, containing a selective ion material. The electrode potential of solutions is measured by their effect on this ion exchange material. These membranes are often replaceable, depending on the design of the specific electrode. This is because these types of membranes typically have a short life and can easily be damaged by harsh sample types or if not maintained properly. Hach’s IntelliCAL™ ISENO3181 Nitrate electrode is an example of this type of ISE. However, the Hach IntelliCAL polymeric ISEs differ from traditional electrodes of this type in that they can be considered “solid state”. The Hach Ammonium and Nitrate probes utilize proprietary polymer membrane and reference designs that allow for dry storage and low maintenance. These probes contain sensing and reference components designed to last up to two years within typical customer use and sample types.
高分子膜離子選擇電極 – 此類型離子選擇包含固體, 高分子膜,其中含有選擇性離子材料。 溶液的電極電位是透過其對這種離子交換材料的影響來測量的。 這些膜通常是可更換的,視特定電極之設計而定。 如果遇到維護不當的情形或是容易受到嚴苛的水樣類型而損壞,此類型電極的膜通常使用壽命較短。 不過,Hach IntelliCAL 高分子膜離子選擇電極與傳統高分子膜電極的不同之處在於可以被視為“固態”,因為Hach 銨離子電極和硝酸鹽離離子電極採用專利高分子膜和參考設計,可乾燥儲存並且維護量低。 Hach IntelliCAL™ ISENO3181 硝酸鹽離子電極為高分子膜離子選擇電極。 Hach 高分子膜 ISE 電極包含感測功能和參考元件設計,以一般典型的客戶使用和一般的水樣類型來說可耐用長達兩年的時間。

4. Gas sensing ISEs - This type of ISE uses a gas sensing membrane element. These electrodes have a gas permeable membrane and an internal filling solution. The gaseous form of the selected ion permeates through the membrane and changes the pH of the filling solution. A standard pH glass bulb inside the permeable membrane then measures the pH. The change in pH is proportional to the concentration of the ion. Hach’s IntelliCAL™ ISENH3181 Ammonia electrode is an example of this type of ISE.
氣敏型離子選擇電極 – 此類型離子選擇使用氣敏膜元件。 這類電極具有透氣膜和內部填充溶液。 所選離子的氣態會滲透膜並改變填充溶液的 pH 值。 滲透膜內的標準 pH 玻璃燈泡測量 pH 值。 pH 值的變化與離子濃度成正比。 Hach IntelliCAL™ ISENH3181 氨離子電極即為此類型離子選擇電極。