HSO技術知識庫>濁度的單位 NTU、FNU、FTU 和 FAU 有什麼區別? 什麼是JTU?
Document ID : TE407   
Published Date : 08/18/2020
Source : US HSO

What is the difference between the turbidity units NTU, FNU, FTU, and FAU? What is a JTU?
Turbidity units NTU, FNU, FTU, FAU, and JTU
NTU stands for Nephelometric Turbidity Unit and signifies that the instrument is measuring scattered light from the sample at a 90-degree angle from the incident light.

FNU stands for Formazin Nephelometric Units and also signifies that the instrument is measuring scattered light from the sample at a 90-degree angle from the incident light. FNU is most often used when referencing the ISO 7027 (European) turbidity method.

NTU is most often used when referencing the USEPA Method 180.1 or Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
When formazin was initially adopted as the primary reference standard for turbidity, units of FTU or Formazin Turbidity Units were used. These units, however, do not specify how the instrument measures the sample.

FAU or Formazin Attenuation Units signify that the instrument is measuring the decrease in transmitted light through the sample at an angle of 180 degrees to the incident light. This type of measurement is often made in a spectrophotometer or colorimeter and is not considered a valid turbidity measurement by most regulatory agencies.

A JTU or Jackson Turbidity Unit is a historical unit used when measurements were made visually using a Jackson Candle Turbidimeter. Water was poured into a tube until a flame underneath the tube could no longer be distinguished.

The turbidity units NTU, FNU, FTU, AND FAU are all based on calibrations using the same formazin primary standards. Therefore when a formazin standard is measured, the value for each of these units will be the same, however the value on samples may differ significantly.
NTU 代表 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit,表示儀器以入射光成 90 度角來測量水樣的散射光。
FNU 代表 Formazin Nephelometric Units,也表示儀器以入射光成 90 度角來測量水樣散射光。 FNU 最常用於參照 ISO 7027(歐洲)濁度測試方法。
NTU 最常用於參照 USEPA 方法 180.1 或是”水與污水檢驗標準方法”。
Formazin 最初被用作濁度的主要參考標準時,是使用 FTU 或 Formazin 濁度單位的單位。但是,這些單位並未指定儀器要如何測量水樣。
FAU (Formazin Attenuation Units) 表示儀器以入射光成 180 度角來測量穿過水樣的透射光的減少。這類型的測量通常使用分光光度計或色度計進行,大多數監管機關認為它不是有效的濁度測量。
JTU (Jackson Turbidity Unit) 使用 Jackson Candle 濁度計目測進行測量時使用的歷史單位。將水倒入管子中,直到管子下方的火焰無法辨認為止。
濁度單位 NTU、FNU、FTU 和 FAU 皆根據相同Formazin一級標準品校正。因此,當測量 formazin標準品時,這些單位中的每一個的值都將相同,但是水樣的值可能會有很大差異。