歡迎索取「Hach半導體產業水質監測方案快速參考指南(中文版) Hach’s Semiconductor Quick Reference Guide (Water Quality)」
Semiconductor manufacturing is expanding to meet growing demand amid water, climate and environmental risks. The growing manufacturing footprint has resulted in increased water use and a greater focus on water stewardship, even as purity requirements driven by advanced chip architectures continue to increase.  Learn more on how Hach’s water quality monitoring solutions can help you implement reuse and treatment strategies while maintaining process and regulatory compliance.
半導體製造因應許多新增的市場應用需求而持續擴張,同時也面臨水、氣候和環境風險方面的挑戰。 先進晶片架構的要求持續提高,而持續增加的生產製造使得用水量增加並對水資源管理有更多關注。
詳細了解Hach的水質監測方案如何協助您實施水再利用和水處理策略,並同時保持水質監測流程效率和水質符合法規標準 : 
  • Pretreatment
  • Make-Up Water Treatment
  • Polishing and Distribution Loop
  • Examples of Wastewater Installations
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