網路研討會>保護您的 RO 逆滲透膜設備:精確監測水中超低濃度氯 Protect Your RO Membranes: Take Total Control of Your Ultra-Low Range Chlorine
On-Demand Webinar 網路隨選研討會 (英語發音)
Protect Your RO Membranes: Take Total Control of Your Ultra-Low Range Chlorine 保護您的 RO 逆滲透膜:完全掌握超低濃度氯 
(首播上線時間) Tue, Mar 29, 2022 10:00 AM MDT
Whether your goal is to extend your membrane life, reduce fouling and maintenance, or ensure product water quality, Hach understands the need to precisely control dechlorination before your RO membrane system. Join Hach experts for an overview of dechlorination across multiple industries. Learn how to get the most value out of your ultra-low range (ULR) chlorine measurement. We will also explore the benefits and drawbacks of different methods for accurately measuring chlorine residual in your RO feed water, including ORP, colorimetric, and amperometric measurements.
無論您廠區的目標是要延長逆滲透膜壽命、減少結垢和維護作業,或是確保產品水質,Hach了解需要在 RO逆滲透膜系統之前精確控制脫氯。
一起與Hach技術專家來了解多個產業的脫氯概況。 了解如何從超低量測範圍 (ULR) 氯的測量中獲得最大價值。 我們還將探討準確測量 RO給水中餘氯的不同方法之優缺點,包括 ORP、比色法和電流法測量。
Learning Objectives
  • Identify how to control and lower your dechlorination costs  辨識如何控制和降低脫氯成本
  • Explore alternative technologies and techniques to monitor ULR chlorine residual or absence  探索替代科技和技術來監測 ULR 氯的殘留或缺失
  • Understand why a precise level of residual control is important in protecting RO membranes and maintaining health and longevity of your equipment  了解為什麼精確控制氯的殘留濃度對於保護 RO膜和保持設備的健康和使用壽命是很重要的
  • Learn how to track how chlorine exposure if affecting the expected lifespan and performance of your RO membranes  了解如何追蹤極低濃度的氯,如果氯濃度會影響 RO膜的預期壽命和效能的話
Presenters  主講人
Gregory Flek - Global Product Manager, Hach
Vadim Malkov - Prinicial Product Applications Manager, Hach
Denton Slovacek - Application Development Manager, Hach