發佈日期 2022-03-22
新品上市! 超低量測範圍水中氯自動分析儀 Ultra Low Range CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyzer
超低量測範圍水中氯自動分析儀 Ultra Low Range CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyzer 適用於自動分析清潔水中是否有低濃度的氯。可測量 0.008-5.0 mg/L 的總氯濃度。如果您的水處理程序與 RO 膜或任何形式的脫氯有關,例如化學(例如亞硫酸鹽/亞硫酸氫鹽)和/或吸附(例如活性炭),那麼超低量測範圍CL17sc自動分析儀可協助您確認氯濃度是非常低或是完全不存在,具體視您的處理程序和設備之需要而定。
Applications 應用 :
• Drinking Water 飲用水
• Wastewater 廢水
• Food and Beverage 食品飲料
• Pharmaceutical 製藥
• Power 電力
• Semiconductor 半導體
• Field Use 
Chlorine breakthroughs can adversely affect your process, product, or equipment. The Ultra Low Range CL17sc can achieve a limit of detection of 8 parts per billion (ppb), making treatment decisions more meaningful and straightforward. The improved accuracy at this low range is critical to dechlorination customers who know that a 10 ppb change in chlorine concentration can mean shortening the lifespan of an RO membrane by 25%*.
The Ultra Low Range CL17sc is best suited for clean water that is measured for either presence of chlorine at low levels or its absence. It measures total chlorine concentration from 0.008-5.0 mg/L. If your processes involve RO membranes or any form of dechlorination, such as chemical (e.g. sulfite/bisulfite) and/or adsorption (e.g. activated carbon), the Ultra Low Range CL17sc can be used to ensure presence of chlorine at very low levels, or its complete absence, depending on the needs of your process and equipment.
*Based on the difference between 50 ppb and 40 ppb continuous free chlorine exposure to a RO membrane rated to double salts passage after 1000 ppm-hours of chlorine exposure.
儀器特色 : 
• 準確檢測低濃度,直接測量水中總氯含量
• 監控並優化脫氯工藝
• 保護下游設備免受氯損害
• 可提供累積氯含量數值
低濃度檢測精度高 - ppb級別測量準確度可控制脫氯工藝,保護RO膜和其他設施免受氯損害,並滿足出水嚴格的餘氯限值要求。
累積氯含量測量 - 透過以ppm-h為單位測量和追蹤累積氯接觸量,瞭解累積氯含量對下游設備的真實影響。
準確可靠的比色法測量 - 穩定的DPD比色法測量使設備能夠連續監測水中氯值。
ULR CL17sc 透過連接 Hach 控制器(數位或類比) sc controller,即可提供多種支援:詳細的資料和日誌。