手持式水質分析比色計 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, 500 nm / 528 nm / 600 nm / 655 nm, with Box

檢測參數 : 餘氯/總氯,溴,硝酸鹽,溶氧,臭氧,磷酸鹽,鋅,鉬,氯/pH值,錳,鐵(TPTZ法),鐵(FerroVer法),鋁,一氯胺/游離氨,氨氮,二氧化氯

全新攜帶型比色計DR300全方面提升,IP67防水等級和堅固設計;人體工學設計; 升級為更大的顯示螢幕和更亮的背光、讀值更清晰。即便在複雜的測量環境,使用者仍擁有良好的客戶體驗和精確可靠的測量。



此外,您還可透過選配之HACH通訊適配器,與手機和雲服務相連。可以讓資料無縫傳輸到手機和Claros - Hach智慧系統之上,實現資料的無線傳輸和智慧管理,效率事倍功半。

*說明:目前藍牙連接功能和Claros系統僅於美國, 加拿大及歐盟區域銷售

關鍵字 : 攜帶式水質檢測儀器, 移動式 水質檢測設備, 簡易水質檢測儀, 比色儀, PCII 比色計
Proven past. Innovative future.
The DR300 maintains the Pocket Colorimeter legacy of reliability while providing state-of-the-art data transfer capability and connection to Claros*. Reduce data collection hassles, eliminate transcription errors, and ensure stronger compliance traceability.
Please note that reagents are not included in the kit and need to be purchased separately.
*Claros connectivity currently available only in US, Canada and EU.
Optional Bluetooth connectivity allows you to safely transfer measurement data to your existing database or to Claros – Hach®’s Water Intelligence System – reducing errors and saving time by eliminating manual data entry.
Rugged, waterproof (IP67) design withstands whatever conditions you encounter in the field (drops, extreme temperatures, rain and dirt) and still delivers years of dependable, accurate measurements.
Simple, intuitive operation reduces potential manual error, ensuring accurate measurement data you can trust, time after time. Larger display with improved backlight makes reading measurements in all conditions even easier.
Datasheets/Brochures Language Size Date Edition
Datasheet: DR300 Pocket Colorimeter 
English US 1 MB 2019-02 Feb19
Manuals Language Size Date Edition
User Manual: DR300 
English US, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai 3 MB 2019-02 Feb19 Ed2