SBE 911plus CTD 海水鹽度、溫度、深度監測儀
The SBE 911plus CTD is the primary oceanographic research tool used by the world’s leading institutions, providing 24 Hz sampling with an SBE 9plus CTD Unit and SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit. The 911plus system provides real-time data collection over 10,000 meters of cable (single- or multi-conductor electro-mechanical sea cable, slip-ring equipped winch, and computer for data display and logging supplied by user).
Sea-Bird Scientific SBE 911plus CTD是全球許多領導機構所使用之海洋學研究工具,可透過SBE 9plus CTD裝置和SBE 11plus V2甲板裝置提供24 Hz採樣。SBE 911plus系統可於10,000公尺長電纜(單芯或多芯機電海纜,配備滑環的絞盤和使用者的顯示和記錄數據的電腦)上提供即時數據收集。

The 911plus is easily integrated with an SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler for real-time or autonomous auto-fire operations. The 911plus’ pump-controlled, T-C ducted flow minimizes salinity spiking caused by ship heave and allows for slow descent rates without slowing sensor responses, improving dynamic accuracy and resolving small scale structure in the water column.
One Conductivity and one Temperature sensor (fitted with TC Duct and constant-flow pump) are included. An optional second (redundant) pair of T and C sensors and pump can be easily installed.

The 911plus supports numerous auxiliary sensors (dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, fluorescence, oil, PAR, nitrates, altimeter, etc.) with eight A/D channels.
SBE 911plus系統透過8個A / D通道支持許多輔助感測器(溶氧,pH,濁度,光學,油,PAR,硝酸鹽,高度計等)。

關鍵字 : 測量 海水 導電度, 溫度, 深度, Sea-Bird 海水 鹽溫深儀
About Sea-Bird Scientific
美國Sea-Bird Scientific海鳥科學公司成立於1974 年,為技術領先之海洋CTD(鹽溫深儀)產品研發與製造商,產品測量參數包括 : 海水鹽度,溫度,壓力,溶氧,螢光,營養鹽和相關海洋參數。Sea-Bird Scientific 的客戶涵蓋全球研究機構,海洋觀測計劃,國家和地方政府機構,石油公司,工程公司,環境諮詢公司以及全球的海軍。我們的產品大量應用於許多關鍵海洋環境研究和海水監測工作中,這些研究包括從確定海洋在氣候變化中的作用,氣候變化的相關影響,到監測重大事件(如漏油和海嘯)對環境的影響等主題。
Sea-Bird Scientific is the world’s largest developer and manufacturer of products for the measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, nutrients and related oceanographic parameters in marine waters. These tools are used around the world by ocean researchers, resource managers, and key industries engaged in offshore exploration and ocean resource utilization. Our customers include research institutes, ocean observing programs, national and local government agencies, oil companies, engineering firms, environmental consulting businesses, and navies throughout the world. Our products are used in numerous critical environmental research and monitoring efforts that are deeply tied to our modern world. These studies include topics ranging from determining the ocean’s role in, and the associated impact from, climate changes, to the monitoring of environmental impacts of major episodic events such as oil spills and tsunamis.
As part of our commitment to advancing the science of ocean measurement, we are deeply invested in engineering, metrology, calibration, software development, scientific analysis, and other essential technologies that make our products more accurate, reliable, and broadly useful.