Hach水質檢測化學品,試劑及標準溶液 Chemistries, Reagents and Standards

Hach has more than 60 years of history dedicated to formulating and packaging high-quality reagents for water analysis. We understand your applications and formulate our reagents to ensure exceptional performance and deliver results you can trust, time after time. Our expertise extends beyond chemistry formulation to the complete reagent system. Hach chemistries are rigorously tested in combination with our packaging and instruments to ensure the highest possible system performance. No other company can offer these advantages.
Hach提供完備水質檢測試劑, 以下為檢測參數列表(依英文字母順序排列), 點選瀏覽每個參數, 您將可找到對應之詳細檢測試劑.