操作演示影片>Hach 自動電位滴定儀 Titralab AT1000 系列
Titration Systems 滴定系統
Titration is a common technique used in chemistry where a solution of known concentration, called the titrant, is added to a solution containing an unknown concentration of an analyte until the chemical reaction reaches a measurable endpoint. The volume of titrant used to reach the endpoint is used to determine the concentration of the analyte. It is a simple process and titrations can be performed manually (using a burette or Hach Digital Titrator) or they can be performed with an automatic titrator like the Hach AT1000 / KF1000.  滴定是化學中常用的技術,將已知濃度的溶液(稱為滴定劑)加到含有未知濃度分析物的溶液中,直到化學反應達到可測量的終點。 用於達到終點的滴定劑體積用於確定分析物的濃度。 這是一個簡單的過程,滴定可以手動進行(使用滴定管或 Hach 數位滴定儀),也可以使用像Hach AT1000 / KF1000 這樣的自動滴定儀進行。
Hach Titralab AT1000 / KF1000 自動滴定儀的自動分析設計大幅簡化複雜的滴定程序,開箱即用,免去手動滴定時可能需要操作人員解釋以及需要手動程序的情況。 Titralab 的自動滴定程式模組化設計讓操作人員可以快速輕鬆設定和操作測試,得到更可靠的分析結果。
Where Are Titrations Used?  什麼時候應該使用滴定儀來進行分析呢?
In many industries, it is essential to know the concentration of a product, species or chemical function to ensure maximum process efficiency and finished product quality. Common applications include: 在許多產業,必須了解其產品、物種或化學功能的濃度,以確保最佳程序效率和成品的品質。 常見的應用包括:
Drinking Water / Waste Water  飲用水 / 污水 : 
- Determine extent of contamination, ensure adherence to requirements for filtering and regulations for disinfection 測定污染程度,確保遵守過濾要求和消毒規範
- pH, Alkalinity 鹼度, Hardness 硬度, Chloride 氯化物, Langelier Index朗格利爾指數 , Chlorine Dioxide 二氧化氯, Chlorite 亞氯酸鹽 , Ammonia and Chlorine 氨和氯
Food / Beverage (Soft Drink, Juice, Beer, Wine, Milk, Condiments, Chips, Cheese, Soup) 食品 / 飲料 : 
- Test product to ensure readiness for consumption (quality, consistency and safety)  測試產品以確保可食用(品質、一致性和安全性)
- pH, Salt 鹽, Sugar 糖, Acidity 酸度, SO2, Moisture Content 水分含量, Vitamin Concentrations 維生素濃度
Petrochemical  石化 : 
- Ensure adherence to requirements for engine and motor oils, kerosene, gasoline and turbine fuel
- Karl Fischer Moisture Content(卡式水分含量), TAN, TBN, R-SH, BR2/I2 Number
Biogas  沼氣 (發酵槽中的 FOS/TAC) : 
- Routine analysis of biogas fermenters to quickly detect any disruption in the anaerobic digestion process  對沼氣發酵槽進行例行分析,以快速檢測厭氧消化程序的任何中斷
- FOS/TAC (volatile acids & buffer capacity)
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