製藥與半導體 - 純水與超純水水質檢測

應用 - 純水與超純水 High-Purity and Ultra-Pure Water (UPW)


製藥與半導體產業水質需要高度可靠的檢測, 去除最細微的鹽濃度或最微小的顆粒, 進而避免昂貴的浪費。


Extreme clean room conditions demand extreme analysis. The reliable detection and removal of the slightest salt concentrations or the minutest particles prevents costly wastage. 


Pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of semiconductor plates and cosmetics demand maximum purity of the materials they use. Even the water has to meet extremely high quality criteria.

Only ultra-pure water that contains virtually no ions is used. The electrical conductivity of the ultra-pure water is even less than that of distilled water.

主要檢測參數 :


Not only does the production water have to be extra pure, the production environment itself also needs to be as free from particles as possible. This is why airborne particles are regularly measured in clean rooms and even continuously monitored in grade A areas.

HACH offers a comprehensive product portfolio for High-purity and Ultra-pure Water(UPW) analysis.

相關儀器資訊,請點選 <純水與超純水水質檢測儀器>